Top 10 Things You Need in Your Tackle Box | Fly Fishing Colorado
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Top 10 Things You Need in Your Tackle Box

Spring is here, that means it’s time to stop wishing and go fishing!  Like many anglers, you’re probably in need of some new equipment before you begin your year on that water.  We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 things you should remember to have in your tackle box.

Extra Line

It’s always good to have extra line in your tackle box.  The line you carry depends on where you’re fishing and what you’re fishing for, though you should be prepared for everything with both.  When fishing in rough conditions, a heavier line is adequate. However, if you’re throwing a line our in a clear lake, choose a thin, clear line to fake out the fish.

Variety of Hooks

Stock your tackle box with a variety of hooks so you’re ready for any type of fish. Some people like the traditional J-hook, but many fishermen swear by the french hook. No matter what type of hook you choose, make sure you have them in different sizes. You don’t want to fish for river trout using a hook that’s sized for a 120-pound catfish.


The bobbers most people are familiar with are the round red and white plastic ones. The round bobbers are nice because you just have to clip them to the line in order to attach them. However, the round bobber does limit how deep you can cast a line.

Live Bait

Live bait is usually the best way to go, but plastic worms are a smart item to carry in your box. They come in a variety of colors and sizes and can attract different types of fish, so know what you’re on the hunt for and plan accordingly.


Lures are a must-have in your tackle box. Lures are designed to behave a certain way in the water in order to attract fish. The minnow imitations are lures that look like small swimming minnows. Many medium and large sized fish like to snack on minnows, an spinners have a blade attached to them that spin to attract fish. The type of lure you use is a personal preference, so experiment to find what works for you and keep a few extra in your tackle box.

Need Nose Pliers

This handy took will save you when you’re trying to gently take a hook out of a fish.  You’ll definitely regret not throwing these in your tackle box before hitting the water.

First Aid Kit

A combination of band-aids, Neosporin, a few small gauze pads, and some waterproof medical tape are essential to have on hand in case of extreme fishing.


This is especially important to remember if you’re out fishing on Colorado waters.  The elevation across the state and closeness to the sun will surprise you.  Even on cloudy days it’s likely you’ll get burnt, so lather up before you head out!

Nail Clippers

Sometimes you’ll get a snag that you can’t get out of and your only option is to cut the line. While a pocket knife can get the job done, one trick that an old timers often use are nail clippers to cut your line. It’s quicker and more efficient than using a knife, and safe if you have kids along with you.

Colorado Fly Fishing Tours

Looking to venture out on the water but don’t want to worry about any of the gear?  Fly Fishing Colorado has guided fly fishing tours on the Upper Colorado River, and we’ll provide all the equipment needed!  Just grab a fishing license on your way to our Kremmling outpost and let us take care of the rest and give you a great day on the water.


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