It’s time clean your float line, check your guides for damage, and put the rod vault back on top of your vehicle. It’s fly fishing season once again in the Rocky Mountains! If you’re waiting a bit longer to get out there in Colorado, check out some of these awesome destinations to fish around the world.
For any salt water enthusiast, fishing the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean should be at the very top of your bucket lists. The atolls of the area provide miles and miles of wade-able salt flat with naïve and frisky trophy sized Giant Trevally (GTs), Bluefin Trevally, Bonefish, Bohar Snapper, and plethora of trigger fish species. This season is highly variable based off the area you fish, the various atolls have different season with some seasons splitting but general rule of thumb is late October to early May. The vast area in which you can fish can range from a few miles of shore to a few hundred miles from the main archipelago and Tanzania.
Image courtesy of Yellow Dog Fly Fishing.
Bristol Bay
For anadromous fish seekers your best option is head to the biggest salmon spawn and run in the world, Bristol Bay, Alaska and its various tributaries which run hundreds of miles. The endless variety of species include; Chinook Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Coho Salmon, Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon, Steelhead “Salmon”, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Arctic Char, Dolly Varden, and Arctic Grayling. This area has almost more fish species than real towns and will provide just about sort of fishing you are seeking whether it be spey cast to czech nymphing and everything in between. Alaska goes without being said the Salmonid capital of the world.
Image courtesy of Tikchik Narrows Lodge.
North American Rocky Mountains
The Rocky Mountains of North America should not be overlooked. This massive range of mountains extends over 3,000 miles and provides more wilderness fish than you can complete in 10 lifetimes. Starting in New Mexico, US this impressive range extends through the most north parts of British Columbia, Canada and offers the true natives of North America. Almost all trout species can be target ranging from 30″ Rainbow and Brown Trout, to the prized football size Golden Trout and Yellowstone Cutthroat in the south. In the north you will still have 30″ Rainbow and Brown Trout, but other species include Arctic Grayling and Brook Trout with shoulders the size of an NFL linebacker on the other side of you float line.
The Golden Dorado has been climbing the ranks in fly fishing prestige and it will truly test your mettle as you will more than likely end weed whacking you way through dense rainforest regions. These extremely aggressive and hard fighting fish will have you stripping sink tip line all day with violent takes and aerial explosions. As this species is becoming more and more sought after their fishable ranging is expanding by the year with Bolivia being the crown jewel of the current scene.
Image courtesy of Where Wise Men Fish.
Though these four locations are top notch, there are plenty of others across the world that barely missed the cut. These destinations include South Island, New Zealand and Iceland, but should not be over looked by any means.
If you’re waiting out the last month of colder weather, call Fly Fishing Colorado for an adventure in America’s West!