We all have a friend or family member that is an avid fisherman. We love to make them happy with relevant gifts for their passions, but from a third-party point of view, sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly what your fisherman friends need for the upcoming season. Whether Christmas, Birthdays, or other holidays, you must do some research before purchasing this often-expensive gear. Before purchasing this gear, it is also important to figure out where they are fishing and what they are fishing for. This article will give you a great head-start with some ideas for gear purchases for your friend or loved-one.

Now this rod the Encounter 8-Weight 9’ Fly Rod Outfit is going to be great for any angler this summer. Instead of “entry level,” think of this Encounter rod outfits as “affordable awesomeness”. This solid 9′ 8- weight Encounter outfit has all the power and performance anyone could ask for and at a price that will have you wondering, what’s the catch? This rod is a perfect backup or first big-game rod outfit.

Here are some awesome essentials for your favorite angler to have all the time. For starters the fly fishing tippet which is the lightweight portion of materials that you attach on one end of the leader and on the other end to the fly. You will want to get them the lightest and strongest tippet, then the fish won’t notice and this is exactly what that angler is going to want. Now of course another great gift would be leaders, the leader is going to be pretty much the same as the fishing monofilament used on your traditional reel. Another awesome gift and a definite essential is going to be a net. The orvis nomad camo net is going to a fantastic treat for any angler it is incredibly durable, lightweight, weatherproof, and waterproof, it is constructed with carbon fiber/fiberglass composite material. These nets are perfect for use with a vest or small pack, the mid-length is specifically designed for backpack anglers.

Now a no brainer for a gift is going to be flies, flies, flies.

Midge nymphs and midge dries such as jujubee midge or a black sprout midge or griffiths knat would be awesome. Mayfly nymphs and mayfly dries such as parachute adams in every size or some pheasant tails or jujubeatis. Along with caddis nymphs and caddis dries such as graphic caddis, deep 6 caddis, peacock caddis, or puterbaugh caddis. Other flies that will be awesome to gift to someone are going to be san juan worms, barr slumpbuster, buggers, amy’s ant.

So, if going shopping for these awesome items gave you some tingles up the spine to dust the old fly fishing rod or if you are a newby and would love to learn to fly fish. Be sure to check out www.flyfishingcolorado.net. They offer two awesome trips one is going to be a 2 hour walk & wade fly fishing trip or you would like to have a longer trip they offer an upper Colorado fly fishing 4-hour float trip.