Social Media has become the new way of communication and another way to track interests and hobbies. If you are interested in fly fishing, Instagram is a great tool for connecting to fishers and companies. If you are interested in booking a trip, some fly fishing outfitters are able to book a trip through various social platforms. With social media you can also see more of what outfitters have offer through their pictures. You can see what they have caught in the past and even where they were when they made a catch.

Without further ado, here are some of the best fly fishing Instagram accounts to follow.

@maddiebrenneman – Maddie grew up in the Denver area and started fishing in Canada when she was young. As her love affair with the sport grew, she started guiding and now is a worldwide traveler and fly fishing guide based out of C Lazy U Ranch in Granby, CO. She is always on the move around the world, from New Zealand to Patagonia to right here in Summit County fishing the Blue River. With over 99,000 followers she is on top of her fly fishing game and clearly enjoying it.  

@katiecahn – Katie grew up in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains alongside the Chattooga River.  She grew up fishing spin rod until the age of 30, when she decided to attend Western Carolina University in North Carolina. It was there she discovered the discipline of fly fishing. With a combination of rivers and streams in Western North Carolina she spent most of her college days near the river switching between studying and fishing. She is a guide at Head Waters Outfitters located in Rosman, NC. Follow her page and check out the fly fishing happenings from the east coast!

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@cutthroatnglers/@coloradoangler/@vailvalleyanglers – Local fly shops are some of the best pages to look for fishing information and hot spots. Most local guides on their days off are mostly doing homework which includes more fishing. All of these local sites give you options to follow local guides that catch the biggest and best fish in the local area. They might also let you in on their little secret spots.  

@flylords – Fly Lords is dedicated to fishers everywhere who send in their personal fly fishing experiences and what they catch on the river, ocean, lake or stream. Fly Lords is a group of outdoor enthusiasts who love sharing the beautiful content they encounter in the great outdoors. Pictures from all over the world are showcased on the page, from the chilly waters of Canada to the crystal blue salt water of Mexico. Submit your photos to be featured on their page.

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Since the world is so tech savvy now, simply using a hashtag can get you anywhere! Here are some of the popular fly fishing related tags to help you get the most out of your Instagram search:
#flyfishing #coloradoflyfishing #rainbowtrout #browntrout #secretfishing #findyourwater 

Want to give a shoutout to your favorite gear? Use these tags to get noticed by gear companies:
#redingtongear #patagoniaflyfishing #simmsfishing #fishpond  

Use these accounts to get you stoked on fly fishing! If you need to book a trip, check us out online or give us a call at 970-423-7031. Get your fish on!